Deopham History

Court of the Manor of Deopham Hall April 1775


  1. Heading
  2. Homage
  3. Property
  4. Navigation


TitleDeopham Hall
A Special Court at the request of John Jolly the Younger
DateApril 28th 1775
StewardCapel Bringloe
Page numbers in Court Roll183 – 188


James Cooper
Richard Jolly the Younger


Person surrendering propertyProclamationsDate of the CopyholdBeneficiaryAttorneyIdentification of propertyRentFine
Richard Jolly (deceased) and Ann Jolly (deceased) his wifeRichard Jolly the grandfather:
December 29th 1737;

Richard Jolly the father:
July 29th 1762
John Jolly the younger, son of Richard Jolly, one of the grandsons of Richard Jolly (deceased)1) 3 roods in a tenement called Watts;
2) a pightle of 3 roods adjoining tenement (1) above;
3) 7 acres in an inclosure called Watts Close;
4) 1 acre called Dunnings Acre;
5) ½ acre called Shrubs Half Acre;
6) 10 acres in 4 pieces in Westfield:
6.1) 8 acres between George Roper (deceased) & lands of Catherine Smith, widow, West;
lands late of John Entwissel (deceased) East;
Holl Street way (otherwise Palloway) North;
6.2) 1½ acres between George Brooke West & East;
George Roper (deceased) North;
6.3) 1 rood between John Entwissel (deceased) North, South & East;
6.4) 1 rood between Head Lands of divers men South;
John Entwissel North & East;
7) Piece of land late in copyhold tenure of Robert Edwards with a house called the Back House and a small stable between the messuage & lands of John Gosling East;
yard of Nicholas Smith West;
Common Pasture North;
24ft breadth at North end, 41ft South;
length at West side 147ft.
John JollyRichard Jolly (his father)All & singular the said premises
Richard Jolly (conditional surrender)John Morphew of Norwich advanced a mortgage of £250 + 4½% p.a. interest
Richard JollySurrender to the Lord of the Manor to the use and behoof of his last will & testament
10/6/24Published ref IMG_20240605_105822

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