Deopham History


Click on any of these photos to see it enlarged, along with its description.

A letter from Prince Charles, later known as King Charles III:

Jane Murray has written the following description and history of this cheese-making business:

The EDP published an article on the subject of Deopham cheese making here, from which the following photo of the cheesemaker is taken:


  1. Wikipedia describes Manchego as “a cheese made in the La Mancha region of Spain from the milk of sheep of the Manchega breed. It is aged between 60 days and 2 years. Manchego has a firm and compact consistency and a buttery texture, often containing small, unevenly distributed air pockets.” ↩︎
  2. There are details of Wilton Farm here. ↩︎
28/9/23Revised letter from Prince Charles
8/9/23Substantial additions thanks to input from Jane Murray
19/8/23Links to EDP and Willow Farm

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